Monday, June 28, 2010

"We Just Kicking It, Right?"

Last night, I was watching the best movie ever made, screw BOOMERANG my favorite movie, Love Jones. There was a scene where Nia Long Nina asked Darius (Larenz Tate) if it was cool if she went to New York to "settle some things" (seeing her ex boyfriend was one of them.) Darius replied, "Sure, no problem. WE JUST KICKING IT, RIGHT?"

After that conversation, she left him. I then started to thinking how many fellas tell females today that they are "just kicking it." I think we all have a sense of what that means but the question is, if a female stays around AFTER being told that they're just kicking it, is she to be surprised when after a while there is NO PROGRESS in moving forward to being in a relationship? Let me know what you think. Should a conversation about the future be brought up? If so, then when?

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